Goals for 2016 – 2021

CAFLL Goals for 2016-2021

Goal 1 Continue to develop and enhance educational programming including:

A. Biennial Conferences
B. Encouraging members to hold regional workshops in China
C. Publishing conference proceedings and other professional materials

Goal 2 Encourage, develop, and facilitate exchanges between Chinese and American law libraries and librarians including:

A. Visits to one another’s institutions;
B. Providing lectures and training
C. Advising one another on current and emerging developments in law librarianship

Goal 3 Promote and advance the law library profession with an emphasis on training and networking.

Goal 4 Promote access to and exchange of legal information between China and the United States:

A. Monitoring and sharing trends in Chinese and U.S. legal resources available in electronic, multimedia, or traditional formats.
B. Developing guidelines on how to expand and improve access to legal information.

Goal 5

A. Continue detailed reporting of income and expenses; take advantage of any “tax exempt” savings where possible.
B. Expand vendor support and regularize the giving.
C. Provide feedback to vendors on CAFLL’s immediate and long term goals.
D. Seek grant funding where possible for special projects (i.e. exchanges, etc.)
E. Determine if membership dues can be streamlined and date certain to insure better understanding of income.
F. Continue to seek “new” members (both individual and intuitional) and broaden scope to include courts and/or firms who might have particular interest in the goals of CAFLL